
葡京平台线上 advances student learning and achievement by developing clear pathways for students from our diverse communities who seek educational and career growth, 证书, 准度, 和转让. We build a supportive and inclusive environment for students to be successful learners, 负责任的领导人, 参与的社区成员.


葡京平台线上 will transform lives and inspire positive change in the world.



多样性 – We embrace diversity in our community and work to build on the strengths and opportunities it brings. 我们认识到,多样性具有多方面的交叉性.

股本 – We commit to equity for all we serve by eliminating injustices and barriers to students’ educational and career goals.

包容性 – We design our planning 和决策 processes to include all stakeholders

反种族主义 – We recognize that institutional barriers based on perceived racial categories were erected over centuries and we commit to identifying and dismantling them.


归属感 – We promote belonging and connection that fosters the well-being of those on our campus and surrounding areas.

责任 – We accept our responsibility for the betterment of the world by identifying opportunities for leading our community to respond to local issues.

尊重 ——我们支持营造相互尊重的环境.

同情 -我们把学生当作一个完整的人来对待, 亲自识别他们不断变化的需求, 在学业上, 和专业. We adapt the institution in response to our shared understanding of who our students are and what they need.



增长 – We create an environment where personal and professional growth is expected, 支持, 并奖励我们社区的所有成员.

求知欲 – We encourage each other to ask questions that drive further inquiry, re搜索, and experimentation.

卓越 -我们以高标准对自己负责.





葡京平台线上 will use an inclusive and race-conscious approach to address persistent equity gaps.

目标1: Eliminate disproportionate impact for Black students in successful enrollment, 一年级英语和数学结业, 从秋天到春天的坚持, 完成学位/证书, 以及迁移成就.

目标2: Eliminate disproportionate impact for Latina/o/x students in 一年级英语和数学结业 以及迁移成就.

目标3: 增加基本住房保障使用, 食品不安全, 运输, 心理健康.

目标4: Improve the sense of belonging and mattering in shared 物理 and online spaces for students of color.

目标5:  Deepen engagement in DEIA-focused professional development for full-time and part-time faculty and staff.


葡京平台线上 will support students in achieving their educational and career goals.

目标1: Improve the completion of transfer-level math and English in students’ first year.

目标2: 增加获得副学士学位的学生人数, 转学副学士学位, 和/或证书

目标3: Increase the number of students who transfer to a four-year university within one year of leaving the College.

目标4: Increase the number of students who earn a regional living wage after exiting the College.

目标5: Increase the number of Career Technical Education graduates who are employed in a job closely related to their field of study

目标6: 提高完成副学士学位的效率, 转学副学士, 或职业技术教育证书.

目标7: Decrease the gap in success and retention rates between online and in-person courses.


葡京平台线上 will develop and strengthen collaborative projects and partnerships with educational institutions, 民间组织, 以及北奥兰治县及其他地区的企业.

目标1: Increase equitable access to Dual Enrollment courses and Pathway programs offered at local high schools.

目标2: Increase enrollment for student populations that disproportionately left the College after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

目标3: Increase collaboration around transfer pathways with local four-year universities and Career Technical Education partners.

目标4: Identify and implement environmental justice projects to serve environmentally disadvantaged students and employees.

目标5: Create and expand collaborations with local businesses and 民间组织.


葡京平台线上 will continually improve operational efficiency and effectiveness to ensure delivery of high quality instructional and support programs.

目标1: 创建一个清晰的, 全面的, 一个包容的过程来优先考虑人类, 物理, 金融, 技术资源.

目标2: Align and improve the planning and resource allocation processes to increase participation and transparency from campus stakeholders.

目标3: 改进技术基础设施以支持灵活的课程安排.

目标4: Improve accessibility for students and employees in the 物理 and online space.

目标5: 制定、实施和评估校园特定的可持续发展计划.



Communicate clearly and appropriately for a variety of purposes and audiences.


分析和综合各种形式的数据/信息(数字), 文本, 图解)用于解释, problemsolving, 和决策.


分析种族的相互联系, 文化, 政治, 社会, 经济, and environmental issues from multiple perspectives and recognize the individual agency and collective responsibility necessary for positively influencing those systems.


Interpret, appreciate, and create artistic forms of knowledge and expression.


阐明个人价值观和目标,并解释技能, 心态, 以及获得幸福和职业成功所必需的行为.


作为葡京平台线上的代表, 我们都有责任以诚信行事, 在集市上表演, 一致的, 公平的态度. 我们认识到我们的言行需要公开和可靠. We are committed to addressing issues in a forthright and professional manner, 不带偏见地与人交往. 作为一个教育团体的成员, 我们致力于在我们所做的一切中追求卓越, and to adhering to the principles of ethical behavior established in this statement.

The conduct of each member of 葡京平台线上 is expected to be 一致的 with and to comply with the principles contained in this statement. 校园社区的所有成员都应参与以下活动:

  • 值得信赖的行为 — including dependability, loyalty, and honesty in communications and actions.
  • 有礼貌的行为 ——礼貌待人, 礼貌, 宽容, 和验收, 认识到它的价值, 每个人的尊严和独特的特征.
  • 问责制 ——对自己的行为和决定负责.
  • 公平公正的行为 -在决策过程中使用公平的程序.
  • 同情 -关心他人, 无论是在校园内还是校园外, and providing services to others in a manner that reflects our commitment to them and to their well being.